
Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Waiting for bus in rain could be painful but give a good subject to paint or photograph. See you just have to think positive in every thing :)

This is 8x10, Oil on MDF Board.


Another Orange, Yellow and red :) I think I am excited about something.. hehehe.

6x6 Oil on MDF board.

A Walk

This year is Yellow, Orange and Red Year for me... not sure why I am painting so vibrant colours. 

When I was painting it, I feel to be there and I feel all the colours and yet calmness of the scene.

Another small one, 4x6 inches, Oil on Canvas

Golden Gate Bridge

Painted from a photograph of golden gate bridge I saw in a magazine. Beautiful place and its in my list of places I want to go one day.

It is 4x6 inches. Oil on Canvas

Getting too close

Macro photography is one thing but macro painting is really fun.  

This is 12x14 Canvas painted in Oil.